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Memorial Day post seven – Those crazy squids pumpin it May 24, 2007

Posted by daveintexas in honor.

BUMPED again, because I’ve been wondering how the Sun Kings have been doing.

God bless em, and keep em.

VAW – 116.

 The Sun Kings.

UPDATE: They cover Hey Ya at least as well as Linus and Lucy

Shake it like a Polaroid picture.


1. VAW - 116 « Innocent Bystanders - December 6, 2006

[…] Pumpin it. […]

2. geoff - December 7, 2006

Those were great. This was the fiirst time I noticed that you can play two YouTube tracks simultaneously. Could open up a new genre of DSotM/WoOz type of mashups.

3. skinbad - December 7, 2006

The recruiters should hire the guys who made these immediately. I’m ready to sign up.

4. S. Weasel - December 7, 2006

So, what’s an Ace-a-lanch look like, Dave?

(I can’t watch your stupid videos until I get home because my stupid company has blocked stupid YouTube).

5. Rocketeer - December 7, 2006


This is old.

(HA! First time I’ve ever seen any of this stuff before anyone else. Still, funny and cool. Glad to see folks able to creatively entertain themselves on a cruise.)

6. daveintexas - December 7, 2006

Last time Lauraw gave me the ace love, it was about 2500.

Way higher than the 3 or 4 morons who usually stop by.

7. S. Weasel - December 7, 2006

Yes, but we’re all high quality, pharmaceutical grade morons. Your precious site meter doesn’t measure that, now does it?

8. skinbad - December 7, 2006

Last time Lauraw gave me the ace love, it was about 2500

That’s steep. But I hear she’s worth it.

9. splashtc - December 7, 2006

sooo cool!

10. Paladin - December 7, 2006

God bless them. Glad to see moral so high.

11. Pajamas Media - December 7, 2006

Squids Rock Da House

Check out the poor morale of some of our friends who are at sea. (Dave in Texas) (HT: Ace of Spades HQ)…

12. baldilocks - December 7, 2006

Dave–answer to your question at Ace’s:

Those folks walking the line slowly in a group are doing a FOD walk.

Foriegn Object Detection: making sure no objects–especially metal ones–are lying around waiting to be sucked up into the intake of a multi-million dollar aircraft, thus ruining it.

Juliette (showing off my former flight-line weenie credentials)

13. Kadnine - December 7, 2006

Yeah, but at least they’re genuine Squids… you can tell by the scandalously long hair.

Kadnine, USMC

14. Geordie - December 7, 2006

Damn, I was hoping this was about superconducting quantum interference devices. Crazy squids.

15. Dave in Texas - December 7, 2006


you speak from experience.

I remember seeing what a half inch nut could do to the engine nacelle of an F-4.

Not pretty.

16. Michael - December 7, 2006

So, what’s an Ace-a-lanch look like, Dave?

Scroll up, dude. This was initially an IB-a-lanche (i.e., Dave linking himself). Let’s not forget where the hot trends get started.

17. daveintexas - December 7, 2006

Oh yeah… the divine ms Lauraw noticed me here first cause I pimped it here first.

I know where my bread is buttered.

(I sent the silly string link to ace in an email)

18. Michael - December 7, 2006

This is just more evidence that the IB babes, and Laura in particular, like you better than me.

Which really pisses me off. It’s got to be the pool which makes you so popular. Especially in the case of Laura. I try sooo hard to be nice to that bitch, and do I get any love?

No, I do not.

Not that I’m jealous or anything.

19. daveintexas - December 7, 2006

Perhaps you could grow some water lilies?

Oh wait, 8 there tonight. I totally forgot about that.

bummer, huh?

20. cranky - December 7, 2006

Awesome! Great to see them having a good time and entertaining themselves and us.

FOD is bad, bad stuff. A bird through the engine will ruin your day too. We had a falconer at one base I was assigned to in Turkey to help cut down on bird strikes.

Dave, thanks for putting these up. Made my day.

21. geoff - December 7, 2006

It’s got to be the pool which makes you so popular.

…or his close personal friendship with Hugh Jackman.

22. Michael - December 7, 2006

bummer, huh?

Fuck you!

I refuse to suck up like you do.

(Meaning, I did not think of it first.)

23. daveintexas - December 7, 2006

Try charming.

Worked for me.

24. Michael - December 7, 2006


Isn’t that a toilet tissue or something?

25. Chop - December 7, 2006

I blame the radiation from the frisbee. and being airdales. Never can trust the brown shoes. No real sailors(ship’s company) have that much free time.


26. Quint - December 7, 2006

Isn’t that a toilet tissue or something?

You make this so easy for me.

I almost feel badly about it.

If it weren’t for my character flaws.

27. Badger - December 8, 2006

Chop is 100% right. A real sailor doesn’t have that much free-time. The airwing treats the ship like a hotel. And, never trust a khaki.

28. Nasir - December 8, 2006

So cool. God bless them.

29. Shaymus - December 8, 2006

there is a Texas in Australia if you are ever thinking of moving

30. The Ship's Newest Ensign - December 8, 2006

Chop, Badger! Back to work. I have shoes that needs polishing and an ass that needs kissing, and let me tell you, it ain’t gonna kiss itself!

31. Navy Outkasts Karaoke at Sea « Terryorisms - December 10, 2006

[…] Those crazy squids pumpin it « Dave in Texas […]

32. kathy p - December 11, 2006

hey guys kathy here from williamson wv home to the most gorgeous mountains in the usa–ok closer to heaven hows that. the videos were too cool–you guys did a great job and it was nice to see some laughter and sense of humor. we stand behind you all each and every one-we pray for you all tho we dont know your names god does. keep up the good work. make some more of these videos.

33. yochanan - December 13, 2006

My pops was on the CV-6 i doubt he would have thought of this idea and having girlies on board.

34. Beth - December 13, 2006

They should’ve just made the video with the Good Naval Aviator rockin’ Crazy Train. F the skipper!

BTW, that’s old, d00d. :-P

35. Beth - December 13, 2006

12. baldilocks – December 7, 2006

Dave–answer to your question at Ace’s:

Those folks walking the line slowly in a group are doing a FOD walk.

FOD walks SUCK! (But ya gotta do ’em.)

/showing off my old AF stripes too
//hi Juliette!

36. daveintexas - December 13, 2006

Those foreign objects can do quite a bit of boo boo to a jet turbine.

37. Neo - December 27, 2006

Goes to show you how times have changed since they left the Connie. I don’t recall of them being so musically gifted.

The Mad Orange stikes again.

Oh, and in the Navy, FOD is Foriegn Object Damage, and that is called a FOD walkdown. If you’ve been on the “roof” for more than a day, you’d know that, since we walk it at sunrise, before every go, and at sunset (if we got night ops too).

38. vimto1 - January 4, 2007

What a great way for a Brit to start the day – with this vid. Pumping. Great!

39. Wickedpinto - January 26, 2007

I was a Marine who spent about 9 months (in 4 and a few months) years with squids.

Marines do shit that noone can really understand unless they have been NEAR that experience. Squids? FLOGGING CRAZY!!!

No crap, the blue navy is CRAZY! VERY PROFFESSIONAL on ship? but as soon as they leave it? they make me look like a flogging therapist!!

Blue navy in port are CRAZY

40. Ben - May 26, 2008

Good to read.

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